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Computing and Freedom :
In accordance with the laws in force, the information collected through our forms is communicated exclusively to the company Monsieur Dumas pascal and is not communicated to any third party. Users are informed that they have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them (art. 34 et seq. Of the law of 06/01/78 “Informatique et Libertés”) . To exercise this right, all you have to do is write to the Director of Publication at the following address: Mr. Dumas pascal Zone des Voutes, 16730 Fléac giving us name, first name and address. CNIL declaration number 1815083.
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It is up to the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. The Monsieur Dumas pascal company declines all responsibility for any damage that may have occurred during the consultation or after a download made from this site. The user acknowledges having been informed that this site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of cases of force majeure, IT difficulties or technical difficulties.
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Conflicts of interest:
Doctor Daniel Habold, doctor with a diploma in sexology and reproduction sciences, registered under the RPSS n ° 10003111688 and working at the Center hospitalier métropole Savoie, declares that he has no personal conflict of interest with the Idée du desire site and the company Mr. Dumas Pascal. He undertakes to report any change in the situation in this regard and to update this declaration if necessary.
Idée du Désir & website is published by the company Monsieur Dumas Pascal, Personal business trader, Zone des Voûtes, 16730 Fleac.
Siren: 408 087 716
TVA number: FR67408087716
Director of publication: Pascal Dumas
Trademarks and models registered at : INPI
Photo credits : Idée du désir